Enhanced mIRC Add-on.
- Автор: 'Nick Stockton
- Исходный код дополнения: Посетить Web-сайт mIRC
Краткое описание
This add-on is an enhanced version of the mIRC App Module included in NVDA. 1. The NVDA navigator object is now automaticly set to the output window of mIRC in order to make reviewing output easier. 2. Two new hotkeys (NVDA-8 and NVDA-9) toggle the speech interrupt for typed characters and speech interrupt for enter key settings respectively. 3. Additionally, NVDA-Enter and numbpad-Enter will set the position of the NVDA navigator object to the last line of text in the output window and speak it. 4. The report Dynamic Content Changes, caret moves review cursor, speech interrupt for typed characters, and speech interrupt for enter key settings are now automaticly saved to a special configuration file when the mIRC window loses focus and restored when it receives focus again. Note: NVDA's report Dynamic Content Changes setting is enabled by default. If you use a speech system for mIRC such as Talking IRC or mIRC With Speech, toggle this setting off with the NVDA-5 hotkey to prevent incoming lines from being spoken twice. ⬇ Перейти к подробной справке 🔝 Назад к оглавлениюОсновная информация
Название | Версия | Совместимость с API NVDA | Последняя протестированная версия NVDA | Минимальная версия NVDA | Дата загрузки в каталог | Размер | Лицензия |
mIRC | 1.6 | 2019.2 | 2019.2.1 | 2013.1.0 | 15-01-2023 17:52:50 | 9 Кб. | GPL v2 |
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