Accessibility improvements for Radegast
- Автор: 'Nick Stockton
- Исходный код дополнения: Посетить Web-сайт Radegast
Краткое описание
This add-on currently provides the following Accessibility improvements for Radegast: 1. Automatically speaks new items in the chat, IM, and group IM history lists as they come in. 2. Lets the user review the lines in the history list with the following hotkeys. NVDA+PageUp and NVDA+PageDown: Review the previous or next lines in the history list. Control+NVDA+PageUp and Control+NVDA+PageDown: Jump to the first or last line in the history buffer. Shift+NVDA+PageUp and Shift+NVDA+PageDown: Set a start marker for a selection, and copy the line/lines from the start marker up to and including the current line to the clipboard. Control+Shift+NVDA+S: Toggle the speaking of time stamps in history windows. Shift+F6: Toggle automatic speaking of incoming text for the current window. F6: Toggle automatic speaking of incoming text for all history windows. ⬇ Перейти к подробной справке 🔝 Назад к оглавлениюОсновная информация
Название | Версия | Совместимость с API NVDA | Последняя протестированная версия NVDA | Минимальная версия NVDA | Дата загрузки в каталог | Размер | Лицензия |
Radegast | 1.2 | 2022.1 | 2022.1.0 | 2019.3.0 | 30-01-2023 20:56:51 | 11 Кб. | GPL v2 |
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